Finding Your Personal Stress Management Plan

Stress is a normal and expected part of life; it is an inevitable experience that we will all go through yet everyday there are people feeling completely overwhelmed and consumed by the stress in their life. Understanding that stress is going to happen and how it happens are important for normalizing and managing events as they [...]

Finding Your Personal Stress Management Plan 2018-03-20T19:29:29+00:00

Developing A Personalized Fitness Plan

Fitness is a common area that people want to work on improving. This can be anywhere from just thinking about exercising to honing in on improving a developed habit of exercise. Whether you are just starting to exercise, training for a marathon, wanting to lose weight, or looking for variety it is important to set [...]

Developing A Personalized Fitness Plan 2018-01-24T21:04:24+00:00

Enjoying The Holidays

I love the holidays, but have gone through many seasons of feeling exhausted by the time January rolled around. For me this exhaustion has come from busyness, expectations, family gatherings, out of routine schedules (not exercising or fueling my body with healthy foods), and spending money. The holiday season may be one that you love but [...]

Enjoying The Holidays 2017-12-04T15:46:06+00:00